
Find Incognito

Find Incognito’s purpose is to be informative and active in the sharing of information on censorship globally, with core insight on five countries in particular. The site aims to simulate and share awareness into how people experience the Internet in other countries the United Kingdom being one of them.

The UK was selected due to the project being guided to those within the United Kingdom in particular. The UK is therefore a relatable viewpoint for most viewers of the site.

The remaining four countries include Russia, USA, Brazil, and Vietnam. According to RSF.org they are each amongst the worst in the following categories:

• Harassment • State censorship • Disinformation • Spying surveillance

These countries were selected due to them providing a diverse viewpoint from a range of countries. The countries were selected from statistics found on RSF.org 2020 report that outline censorship of 180 countries worldwide.

These statistics were found here.

Team Members

Below is the Incognito team


Producer and Website Designer


Creative Director


Design Specialist


Chat Bot Production and Social Media Director